Kit # 424-98
Manufactured by Revell-Monogram for CineModels, distributed
by PolarLights, 1999
Box Art - James Bama
Sculpted By - Bill Lemon
Medium - Styrene, 42 pieces
Completed - 2/1/2003
All painting on this model was brush work. Paints
used are Delta Ceramcoat acrylics: Fleshtone Base, Fleshtone, Medium Flesh, Storm Grey, Black, Drizzle Grey, Dark Jungle
Green, Light Foliage Green, Burnt Umber, Dark Brown, Toffee Brown, Cardinal Red, Light Ivory, Rose Cloud, and Deco Art Pot
O' Gold.

Another great old kit brought back to life by Polar
Lights. I always thought that this model doesn't look much like Bela Lugosi, but there are replacement heads
out there that are dead on. I think it's a pretty good likeness of Senator Robert Byrd though. Others say
he bears a strong resemblence to George Wallace.

"But the Count! Never did I imagine
such wrath and fury, even to the demons of the pit. His eyes were positively blazing. The red light in them was
lurid, as if the flames of hell-fire blazed behind them. His face was deathly pale ... and then I saw something
which filled my very soul with horror ... the mouth was redder than ever, for on the lips were gouts of fresh blood."
Dracula, by Bram Stoker - 1897

And finaly, here's a look at the kit I built as a kid.
As you can see, a few pieces have gotten lost over the years. I was between 7 and 10 years old when I did this
one. I really don't remember much about putting this one together other than that I thought the front sections of the
cape hid too much so I left them off.

Other Dracula Stuff
Thanks for looking!