Kit # 5018
Manufactured by Playing Mantis, 1998
Box Art - Chris White
Sculpted By - Randy Bowen
Medium - Styrene, 36 pieces
Completed - 3/7/2004
The painting on this model was brush work. Paints used are Delta
Ceramcoat acrylics: Burnt Umber, Dark Brown, Toffee Brown, Midnight Blue, Ocean Reef Blue, Denim Blue, Sweetheart Blush, Caucasian
Flesh, Fleshtone, Dark Jungle Green, Green Sea, Antique Gold, Mellow Yellow, Light Ivory, Sandstone, Lichen Grey,
Storm Grey, Drizzle Grey and Black, as well as Testors Steel enamel.
"Even a Man Who is Pure of Heart, And Says His Prayers
by Night, Can Become a Wolf when the Wolfbane Blooms And the Moon is Full and Bright."
(John Talbot, Gwen Conliffe, Jenny Williams, Maleeva)
"So you know that one too."
(Larry Talbot)
Other Werewolf/Wolf Man Stuff