Lost In Space
Kit # 5031
Manufactured by Playing Mantis, 1997
Box Art - Mort Kunstler
Sculpted By - Raymond Meyers
Medium - Styrene, 25 pieces
Completed - 2/18/2003
All painting on this model was brush work. Paints used are Testors Enamel Steel and the following Delta Ceramcoat
acrylics: Old Parchment, Medium Flesh, Drizzle Grey, Dark Brown, Toffee Brown, Lichen Grey, Black, Burnt Umber, Light
Ivory, Sandstone, Storm Grey, and Bright Yellow.
If you were a kid in the 60's you watched Lost In Space. This model is based on the cyclops monster
the Robinson family encountered in the episode "There Were Giants in the Earth", which aired in 1965. Except for the
little people running about, this is about the least busy base Aurora put out except for the Frankenstien kit.
I believe that the Polar Lights edition of this kit is the first one available since the 60's, and originals are highly prized.
I don't have one.
I got my eye on you!