Kit # 423-98
Manufactured by Revell-Monogram for CineModels,
distributed by PolarLights, 1999
Box Art - James Bama
Sculpted By - Bill Lemon
Medium - Styrene, 25 pieces
Completed 10/23/2002
All painting on this model was brush work. Paints used were Testors enamel Steel, and
the following Delta Ceramcoat acrylics: Fleshtone, Black, Dark Brown, Light Foliage Green, Storm Grey, Hunter Green, Lichen
Grey, Bright Red, Drizzle Grey, Sandstone, Pale Mint Green.
Here's my original Aurora Frankenstein.
It was the first Aurora model I had and I was 6 or 7 years old when he was built. I was not allowed to use
glue or paint in those days, so Dad put him together while I supervised and handed him parts. I did some "improvements"
on the paint job Dad did when I was about 10. Note the splotch of Testors YellowGreen on his shoe.