The Forgotten Prisoner of Castel Mare
Kit # 7509
Manufactured by Playing Mantis, 2001
Box Art - Mort Kunstler
Sculpted By - Larry Ehling
Medium - Styrene, 39 pieces
Completed - 6/20/2003
All painting on this model was brush work. Paints used are Delta Ceramcoat acrylics: Storm Grey, Black, Drizzle
Grey, Toffee Brown, Light Ivory, Rose Cloud, Bright Yellow, Mellow Yellow, Cardinal Red, Denim Blue, Kelly Green,
Raw Linen, Lichen Grey, Sandstone, and Testors flat enamel Rust.
Yet another old favorite brought back by Polar Lights. This kit wasn't based on a movie or
literay character like the other kits. I believe Aurora and Famous Monsters of Filmland ran a contest to give us the
Prisoner's story. This was a fun kit to do, but I had a hard time getting his feet on the ground and the chains lined
up properly. But then does it really matter since a skeleton would never hold together this way anyhow?
Here's my original Aurora minus a few pieces. I was 8 or 9 when I got this one. I remember
the box scarred me quite a bit. I'd get up and turn it around at night so it wasn't looking at me. I remember
my older cousin helped me with the paint job, but I don't have any idea where we found the flat black we used on the pants.
All things considered he's held up fairly well over the years.